How To Answer These Common Co-op Board Interview Questions

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Don’t get rejected from that building you love by messing up your co-op board interview questions. This article is designed to prepare you for your interview, so you’ll know what to expect and can practice how to answer each type of question you might be asked.


Some Terms You SHould know

Co-Op or Cooperative: Ownership structure characterized by residents owning shares in the corporation that owns a building rather than directly owning real property. Read more about what differentiates a cooperative here.

Co-Op Board: A group of residents who are elected to represent the interests of the building. The board makes decisions about who is allowed to purchase or rent in the building, what types of construction projects can proceed, and how building expenses are paid for.

Co-Op Board Interview: A required interview for all prospective purchasers or renters. Board members ask applicants a series of questions to ensure they will be a good fit for the cooperative community.


Why Your Interview Answers Matter

The co-op board interview is not a formality. It is an important part of the purchasing or renting process, so it is crucial that you take it seriously. Co-ops can reject you for almost any reason, so the last thing you want to do is think on the fly, upset the board, and lose your dream apartment.

Plus, anticipating what you might get asked can help you relax your nerves before your interview.

Are co-op interviews hard?

Coop board interview questions are meant to make sure you won’t be a bother, that you can pay for your maintenance fees or rent and that you will be a positive addition to the cooperative community. You won’t be asked to do complex math problems or brain teasers. As long as you’re prepared for it, your co-op interview should not be difficult.

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What questions are asked in co-op board interviews?

Boards ask questions to help figure out what kind of community member you’re going to be. Expect a mix of open ended and direct questions.

  • Why do you want to live in the area?”

  • “How many other apartments did you consider?“

  • “Do you plan on subletting?”

  • “What do you like about this apartment?”

  • “Do you play any musical instruments?”

  • "What musical instruments do you play?”

  • “What are your hobbies?”

  • “Do you entertain guests often?”

  • “What does your social calendar look like?

  • “Do you like your job?”

  • “Are you afraid of being fired/losing your job/being laid off?”

Co-Op Board Interview - How To Answer These Common Co-op Board Interview Questions - Article by Kristen Shaker

3 Types of co-op board interview questions

& How to Answer Them

To know how to best answer each question, you have to first understand what core concerns the co-op board is trying to address. There are effectively three things the board wants to know: if you will contribute to the community, if you’ll be able to pay your share, and if you will be a considerate neighbor.

Answer the questions honestly but in a way to assuage the board’s potential anxieties.

1. Will you fit in with the Community?

Cooperatives are more community driven than condominiums. These types of coop board questions are meant to assess whether you’d be an asset to the community. Here are some examples.

  • Why do you want to live in the area?

  • How many other apartments did you consider?

  • Do you plan on subletting? 

  • What do you like about this apartment? 

How to answer these questions: Answer these questions by talking about one or two things you really like about the building, the apartment, and the neighborhood. Have these bullet points prepared in advance. The board wants to hear that you consider this apartment a home and that you are excited about living there yourself.

2. Are you financially secure?

Coop board interview questions are often designed to figure out if you’ll be able to continue contributing financially to the cooperative.

Here are some examples:

  • “Do you like your job?”

  • “Are you afraid of being fired/losing your job/being laid off?”

How to answer these questions: The board wants to hear that you love your job. This is not the time to complain about your annoying boss or coworker. If you seem like you hate your work environment, they might be worried that you’ll quit. Potentially mention something you really enjoy about your work and that you plan on staying put, so the board is confident that you’ll remain gainfully employed and capable of paying your maintenance fees.

3. Will You Be an Obnoxious neighbor?

A lot of coop board interview questions will center around whether you’d be an annoying neighbor.

Here are some examples.

  • “Do you play any musical instruments” OR "What musical instruments do you play?”

  • “What are your hobbies? “

  • “Do you entertain guests often?”

  • “What does your social calendar look like?

How to answer these questions: These co-op board interview questions are trying to figure out if you’re going to be loud - either by playing a musical instrument or by having people over all the time. Maybe mention that you enjoy having a friend over for a quiet meal every now and again, but in general most of your social activities happen outside in the community.

Virtual Co-Op Board Interview - How To Answer These Common Co-op Board Interview Questions - Article by Kristen Shaker

What not to say in a co-op board interview

Answer the questions you’re asked. Don’t meander or offer unnecessary information. Definitely do not ask the board if you’ve been approved in the meeting, and do not talk about polarizing topics such as religion or politics.

Why would a coop board reject you?

Co op boards have a large amount of latitude when it comes to approving or rejecting candidates. They can reject you for misrepresenting yourself on your application, for showing up late to your interview or for not having a strong enough financial profile. They can reject you if they feel like you’ll be a nuisance to the community or you show a general lack of deference to the board and their processes. It’s important to note that the board does not need to disclose its reason for rejecting an applicant unless a fair housing issue is raised.

What questions are illegal in a co-op board interview?

Co op boards cannot ask questions directly related to the race, age, ethnicity, gender identity, religion, marital status, familial status, sexual orientation, national origin, citizenship, military status, or disability status of an applicant. Asking these questions would be considered a fair housing violation. If you feel that you’ve been rejected based on any of these protected classes, you can file a complaint with the New York City Commission on Human Rights and the state Division of Human Rights.

More Resources for co-op buyers:


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